Shared values and services

Unizin Members constitute a vibrant and cooperative community focused on growing and advancing digital pedagogy while sharing the benefits of our services and relationships. Our Member institutions work together to build solutions, exchange practices, and share insights that drive innovation via the adoption of technology.

Our seven volunteer-led committees drive the collaborative process focusing on key areas and initiatives including:


Affordable digital content

OER, commercial content

Developer-focused learning analytics

Tools, implementation, architecture

Research-focused learning analytics

Studies and data analysis

Learning tools

Technology adoption, procurement, evaluation

Centers for teaching & learning

Faculty development, solutions adoption, etc.

App development

Building software with data and analytics


Ready to become a Unizin Member? Contact us today to begin the process of joining Unizin.

Our Board & Member Institutions

Founded in 2015, Unizin is a membership-based organization of higher ed institutions. As a technology developer, Unizin provides common services to institutions that enable them to scale their use of digital content and data in their academic mission. As a community, we collaborate on solutions to common challenges in digital pedagogy.

University of Minnesota - Walter Library
University of Minnesota

Bernard Gulachek
Vice President and Chief Information Officer

Lisa German
University Librarian & Dean of Libraries

University of Wisconsin - The Red Gym
University of Wisconsin

Lois Brooks
Chief Information Officer

John Zumbrunnen
Vice Provost of Teaching & Learning

Pennsylvania State University - Old Main

Chris Lucas
Deputy CIO and Associate Vice President, Academic Technologies and Customer Experience

Crystal Ramsay
Senior Director, Teaching & Learning with Technology

University of Iowa - Old Capitol Building

Steve Fleagle
Associate Vice President and Chief Information Officer

Maggie Jesse
Executive Director, ITS Office of Teaching, Learning & Technology

University of Florida - Century Tower
University of Florida

Elias Eldayrie
Vice President and Chief Information Officer

Mark McCallister
Director of Academic Technology

University of Michigan - Cook Law Quadrangle
University of Michigan

Ravi Pendse
Vice President for IT and Chief Information Officer

Colorado State University - The Oval
Colorado State University

Brandon Bernier
Vice President of IT & Chief Information Officer for CSU System

Laura Jensen
Vice Provost for Planning & Effectiveness


Indiana University - Sample Gates
Indiana University

Rob Lowden
Vice President for IT and Chief Information Officer

Anne Leftwich
Associate Vice President for Learning Technologies

University of Nebraska - Nebraska
University of Nebraska Lincoln

Bret Blackman
Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer

Amy Goodburn
Senior Associate Vice Chancellor and Dean of Undergraduate Education

Rutgers University - Winants Hall

Michele Norin
Senior Vice President & CIO

Charles A. Collick Jr.
Associate Director, IT Accessibility & Instructional Technology
Office of Information Technology

University of Missouri - UM System
University of Missouri System

Stephanie McClelland
Chief Online Learning Officer

David Reid
Director of Analytics & Solutions Architecture for Missouri Online


University of Missouri - UM System
University of Missouri System
Tom Andriola
Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and Data & Chief Digital Officer

Michael Dennin
Dean of the Division of Undergraduate Education & Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning


University of Missouri - UM System
Chapman University Logo
Helen Norris
Vice President and Chief Information Officer
Jose Salomon
Director of Data Services


A picture of "The Tower" at the University of Texas at Austin
Chapman University Logo
Art Markman
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Cole Camplese
Vice President of Technology and Chief Information Officer


Unizin - The Grapes

Bart Pursel
Chief Executive Officer

Unizin Reports & Newsletters

Interested in finding out more information about what our organization is doing and what lies ahead? Browse through our list of Unizin Reports & Newsletters.

These reports and newsletters intend to provide information about the progress of our organization and lay the foundation for work ahead. This list is sorted by the most recent to the oldest for your convenience of quickly getting the most up-to-date information available.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to reach out to the Unizin team at