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Revisiting the Unizin Summit

Revisiting the Unizin Summit

Revisiting the Unizin Summit with Cathy O'Bryan  - I was thrilled to host Unizin’s pandemic-inspired, first-ever virtual Summit, which was held on April 21st and 22nd.  This year’s summit focused on the transformative power of Learning Analytics, and the virtual...

A New Look – A New Perspective

A New Look – A New Perspective

A New Look – A New Perspective  You may have noticed a new look to Unizin.  We recently rolled out a new logo as the capstone to an overall brand refresh.  While some may not consider a logo refresh breaking news, for us, the new look marks a crucial moment in time. ...

ICON Direct: Iowa’s Recipe for Saving Students $1 Million

ICON Direct: Iowa’s Recipe for Saving Students $1 Million

Leading up to the Unizin Summit 2019, we will feature a monthly Summit-centric blog post and webcast.  First up in the series is a Q&A with Annette Beck, Director of Enterprise Instructional Technology in the Office of Teaching, Learning & Technology at the University...

Major Milestones

Major Milestones

Today’s announcement that the Unizin Data Platform (UDP) is now in General availability marks a strategic milestone for Unizin member universities.  We came together to ensure that we could shape our own future for digital education, stay in control of our own data,...