Published December 29, 2015

This RFP is now closed.

This Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is for the sole purpose of assisting your company’s (“you,” or “your”) development of a proposal for Internet2 (“Internet2”) on behalf of the Unizin Consortium (“Unizin”), a consortium formed by Unizin’s member institutions (“Member Institutions”). Internet2 and Unizin will collectively be referred to as “Issuer,” “we,” “us”, or “our”. We reserve the right to amend, modify or withdraw this RFP at any time.

We invite you to submit a proposal responding to this RFP. Responses to all of the specific questions and requirements identified in this RFP will form the basis of our evaluation of your proposal. We expect that your proposal will comply with every requirement set forth in this RFP. However, we reserve the right to waive any requirement herein, and may, in our sole and absolute discretion, consider or reject any proposal submitted under this RFP for any reason. After reviewing the proposals submitted, we may or may not proceed with the process, including entering into one or multiple contracts for the services described below (“Contract”). We reserve the right to accept or reject all or part of your proposal, and to award a Contract under this RFP to one or multiple vendors.

Your receipt of this RFP or your submission of a proposal will not create: (a) any obligation on our part to negotiate or enter into any Contract with you; or (b) any expectation of a future business relationship with us. We will not be liable for any costs you incur in connection with preparing, presenting, or any other aspect whatsoever of or relating to your proposal in response to this RFP. You should not construe this RFP as a firm offer by us to enter into any Contract, and it will not restrict our ability to negotiate any agreement with any one or more vendors for the same or different products and services. Notwithstanding anything in this RFP to the contrary, obligations by and between Issuer and you relating to this RFP will arise only if we enter into a Contract with you and only when we actually execute such Contract and deliver it to you. Any obligations between us and you arising from such Contract will be governed solely by its terms.

To view the full RFP click here.

Summary and Requirements Documents:

Cost Proposal Summary

Minimum Training and Support Requirements

Minimum Functional Requirements